Supporting You Every Step of The Way
Seek substance abuse counseling in Williston, Dickinson or Bismarck, ND & virtually throughout all of North Dakota
Has your addiction caused you to lose touch with loved ones or lose sight of your goals? Getting clean is the first step toward getting your life back on track. Summit Counseling Services provides substance abuse counseling to help those struggling with addiction break the habit and stay sober.
We have walk-in clinics in Williston, Dickinson and Bismarck, ND, where addiction counselors are ready to support you unconditionally. You can also call 701-751-0299 to make an appointment.
9AM-12Pm, Monday - Thursday
We offer mental health and medication management services to children, teens and adults. We have addiction services to include evaluations, outpatient treatment programs, Medication Assisted Treatment, DUI Seminars, Individual Sessions and Group Services for adolescents and adults. We also provide sessions for anger management clients, as well as counseling for couples and families. If we do not provide the service you need, we will do our best help you find the service you need.
Level 1, Level 2.1 and Level 2.5 outpatient treatment
- DUI seminars
- Evaluations, including DUI evaluations
- Level 1 or Level 2.1 outpatient treatment
- Assistance with placement for addiction services
- Medication-assisted treatment
- Evaluations, including DUI evaluations
- Level 1 or Level 2.1 outpatient treatment
- Assistance with placement for addiction services
- Medication-assisted treatment
Making addiction treatment
You shouldn't have to choose between paying the bills and getting the counseling you need. We gladly accept patients from the North Dakota Substance Abuse Disorder Voucher program, which allows low-income residents to get treatment. Visit the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services website to apply.